CricketDarts Chalkboard for iPhone and iPad (iOS)

This application is a digital scoreboard for your game of cricket darts. In cricket darts, two players compete to close the numbers from 20 to 10, and the Double, Triple and Bull (DTB) first. After scoring three hits on a number or DTB, the player opens that number or DTB for additional score until the other player closes it. The first player to close all numbers and DTB, and have the higher score, wins! It’s as simple as that.

The game provides a timer for additional information purposes only, as well as a count of how many turns have been taken.

What’s New

Thank you for the overwhelming support!

In this version:
I’ve added an undo button.
You can now enter the players’ names.
I’ve added a button to record misses.
I’ve added a button to upload your game to iCloud.
You can now see all your previous games, including the time taken, the date and time of the games, the number of turns and misses for each player, as well as the address (location) of the game. All stored privately in your iCloud account where no one else can see.

Author: Joao

Joao Frasco is an Investment Professional currently working in South Africa. His secondary interest and hobby is software development. @joaofrasco

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