
MLFotoFun uses state of the art Machine Learning models that use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to classify photos taken with your camera or from your library using one of eight state of the art models. The classification includes the two most probable descriptive labels, as well as the probability associated with each label.

The eight models include: AgeNet (that classifies the age of the human subject); GenderNet (that classifies the gender of the subject); CNN Emotions (that classifies the emotion of the person); VisualSentiment (that classifies the human subject’s sentiment as positive or negative); Food101 (that classifies the food), Oxford102 (that classifies flowers); CarRecognition (that classifies the make of car); and GoogLeNetPlaces (that classifies the category of place in the image).

This app is for entertainment purposes only, and clearly demonstrates how bad such models can be, as well as the biases that they may contain, so no offence is intended with age or gender classification. It may however also surprise you in how far image recognition has come in the five years.

HRZones (Heart Rate Zones)

HR Zones is a simple to use heart rate training zone calculator. All you need to do is pick your date of birth, and it will calculate the five distinct heart rate zones for different types of training outcomes based on the percentage of your maximum heart rate.

I’ve included two models for the calculation of the maximum heart rate (there other much more sophisticated ways of doing this). The first, is simply 220 less your age (last birthday) for males, and 226 less you age for females. The second is essentially the same for males and females and is the same as the one for males above i.e. 220 – Age. This is the model used by Discovery Vitality for points.

It is very important to consult your general practitioner before undertaking any sort of exercise to ensure that you are medically fit to do so. This is a simple calculator, not a replacement for sound medical advice, so please treat your health with the caution and respect that it deserves.

Photo Classifier

Photo Classifier uses state of the art Machine Learning models that use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to classify photos taken with your camera or from your library. The classification includes both a descriptive label of the scene, as well as the probability associated with the label.

Six models have been included, and the app provides the output from each of the models in a fraction of a second each. You can see more detail on the top five predictions for each model, along with the probability of each prediction.

This is a simple but very powerful tool that demonstrates how far artificial intelligence and machine learning has come, especially the power of deep neural networks and specifically, convolutional neural networks. These models are all freely available from the internet under the licenses provided by the links below.

GoogLeNetPlaces: Creative Common License. More information available at

Resnet50: MIT License. More information available at

Inceptionv3: MIT License. More information available at

VGG16: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International(CC BY 4.0). More information available at

SqueezeNet: BSD License. More information available at

MobileNet: Apache License. Version 2.0


This app calculates the probabilities of certain performance outcomes in investment management, based on some simplifying assumptions.

It calculates the probability of a single manage outperforming the benchmark over various time periods (from 1 month to 20 years), given a user selected manager skill level (given by the Information Ratio).

It also calculates the joint probability of none, or at least one manager, underperforming the benchmark. The user can select the skill level (equal for all the managers), the time period, and the number of managers.

It also calculates the probability of a single manager outperforming the benchmark by a certain alpha target (user selected) given a user selected tracking error, under the assumption that the manager has no skill i.e. an Information Ratio of 0.

It now includes probability density and mass functions, to help visualise the distributions of the outcomes i.e. the probabilities.

HIIT Counter for iPhone and iPad (iOS)

This app provides a timer for High Intensity Interval Training. It allows you to select the training time and resting time for each set, and allows you to select the sets per exercise. The timer provides both a visual countdown display of the time remaining, for each set, and an audible beeping for the last five seconds of each set. You therefore know when a set ends without even looking at the display, allowing you to focus on your training.

There are displays for the number of exercises, and sets, as well as the total time of exercising. There is a start and pause button, and you can change the training time and resting time while exercising, allowing you to mix and match exercise and resting times.

ML Camera for iPhone and iPad (iOS)

This Artificial Intelligence Camera uses Machine Learning models to classify images real time from your iPhone camera. You don’t need to take a photo, you just point your iPhone camera at any object or scene, and the classification happens instantaneously. I’ve provided five different machine learning models available for iOS, including: GoogLeNet Places (for classifications of scenes), Inceptionv3, VGG16, Resnet50, and SqueezeNet (all trained to classify objects across 1000 categories). In addition to classifying things, it also provides the probability of the classification label given.

This is a simple but very powerful tool that demonstrates how far artificial intelligence and machine learning has come, especially the power of deep neural networks and specifically, convolutional neural networks.These models are all freely available from the internet under the licenses provided by the links below.

GoogLeNetPlaces: Creative Common License. More information available at

Resnet50: MIT License. More information available at

Inceptionv3: MIT License. More information available at

VGG16: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International(CC BY 4.0). More information available at

SqueezeNet: BSD License. More information available at

LearnGraphs for iPhone and iPad (iOS)

This app is great for scholars and parents wishing to understand graphs in mathematics. While there are many graphing calculators that allow you to graph many complex functions, this one focuses on teaching simple grade 10 math graphs in a really simple and visual way. Using sliders to change the values of variables, you can see the impact the variable has on the overall equation or function, as well as other interesting things like x and y intercepts and asymptotes. You will quickly grasp just how simple graphs are by watching them change shape and move around as the value of a variable becomes larger or smaller or goes from positive to negative, or zero. Even parents will wish they had this app when they went to school, as they too will grasp just how easy and fun math is.

Specifically, the following graphs are included:
1. Lines of the form y = mx+c or ax+b
2. Parabolas of the form y = ax^2+bx+c
3. Hyperbolas of the form y = a/(x+b)+c
4. Exponentials of the form y = ab^x+c
5. Trigonometric function (sin, cos, and tan) of the form y = a*sin(bx)+c or a*cos(bx)+c or a*tan(bx)+c

You can also pan around the graphs and pinch to zoom in and out, and just tap the graph to reset the pan and zoom.

Enjoy learning math graphs, and drop me an email if you would like me to include a couple of other graphs that you or or children are struggling with.

Speedometers for iPhone and iPad (iOS)

Speedometers is a really simple and beautiful speedometer for your truck, car, motorbike, or bicycle. It uses GPS on your iPhone or iPad to establish your speed, and shows this information graphically in a simple user interface. You can change the units from miles per hour to kilometres per hour and back, and change the top speed of the speedometer reading. You can also let your speed guide what the top speed shown should be.

FinCalc for iPhone and iPad (iOS)

This is an easy to use financial calculator with three different tabs, all slightly differently configured. There are no number buttons or settings. You simply drag a bunch of sliders around, and watch as your monthly instalment for car finance or home loans gets recalculated, as well as the graphs demonstrating the payment down of capital and total interest. The retirement calculator allows you flex many different parameters relating to savings towards retirement, including your current age and the age at which you plan to retire, as well as your real salary increases and real investment return. You can see how these and other parameters like your current savings, will affect how much you have at retirement as a multiple of your salary at retirement. You can also see a full payment or savings schedule, and each calculator has its own help / info screen. The app also includes force touch from the home screen, as well as for peeks and pops from within the app, utilising the latest iPhone and iPad features.

CricketDarts Chalkboard for iPhone and iPad (iOS)

This application is a digital scoreboard for your game of cricket darts. In cricket darts, two players compete to close the numbers from 20 to 10, and the Double, Triple and Bull (DTB) first. After scoring three hits on a number or DTB, the player opens that number or DTB for additional score until the other player closes it. The first player to close all numbers and DTB, and have the higher score, wins! It’s as simple as that.

The game provides a timer for additional information purposes only, as well as a count of how many turns have been taken.

What’s New

Thank you for the overwhelming support!

In this version:
I’ve added an undo button.
You can now enter the players’ names.
I’ve added a button to record misses.
I’ve added a button to upload your game to iCloud.
You can now see all your previous games, including the time taken, the date and time of the games, the number of turns and misses for each player, as well as the address (location) of the game. All stored privately in your iCloud account where no one else can see.